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Home Sweet Home
Lot #9043

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Framing Day 4

There was one lone guy sitting in his car waiting when I pulled up this morning. I assume he's waiting for the rest of the framing crew. 

It rained last night and this morning, but the sun is coming out. I'm really happy with their progress so far. It's becoming our house before my very eyes. 

** Afternoon Driveby **


  1. Congratulations! We are building just down the road from you in Spring Meadows!

    1. Congrats to you as well. We originally looked at Spring Meadows but we needed to stay in the our current school district. It's a beautiful neighborhood. It looks like they are putting in more housing across the street from you. Do you have a blog?

  2. Wow, it's coming together nicely!
